My Goals For Youtube!

When some people see that I make YouTube videos, many of them ask why. Why would you want to make videos of yourself putting on makeup or showing the newest styles? What is the point?

Well, I asked myself the same thing when I began making videos. What is my purpose in doing this? Is this going to be  a waste of time because not very many people will see my videos?

After contemplating these questions for a while, I realized what my purpose is on YouTube. My goal is to help girls with their self-confidence. You are probably wondering how a YouTube video would help someone with their confidence. Well, I am trying to make my videos in a way that girls feel they can relate to me.

Screen Shot 2014-02-12 at 8.35.21 PMEveryone needs a friend, and I hope to be that friend to someone who needs it. I want girls to watch my videos and learn how to feel better about themselves.

On my YouTube channel I will be sharing my life story and the struggles I have been through so far in life. I have made it through middle school and high school, and I am beginning my journey through college. Even if it is just one person, I hope to impact their lives in a positive way through my YouTube channel!

I hope that you will take the time to see what I have been working on so far! Any advice would be much appreciated!!

Love always,


What do you think?